- The state picture template of the AR protocol (4 vehicles in non-through and through lanes, and 2 spaces): AR_4NT4T2S.svg
- The input file of the AR protocol with 48 states (2 vehilces in non-through lane, 4 in through lane and 2 spaces): inputAR_2NT4T2S_48
- The input file of the AR protocol with 49 states (2 vehilces in non-through lane, 4 in through lane and 2 spaces): inputAR_2NT4T2S_49
- The input file of the AR protocol with 50 states (2 vehilces in non-through lane, 4 in through lane and 2 spaces): inputAR_2NT4T2S_50
- The picture of state machine of NSLPK protocol: NSLPK.svg
- The input file of NSLPK: inputNSLPK
- The sequence diagram for NSLPK protocol: sequenceDiagramDemo
- The input file of NSLPK for sequence diagram: inputNSLPK_sequencediagram
- The input file of NSPK for sequence diagram (nonce secret property): inputNSPK_sequencediagram
- The revised picture of state machine revised LJPL protocol for situation 1: LJPL1.svg
- The revised picture of state machine revised LJPL protocol for situation 2: LJPL2.svg
- The flexible picture of state machine revised LJPL protocol: LJPL_flexible.svg
- The input file of LJPL for situation 1: inputLJPL1
- The input file of LJPL for situation 2: inputLJPL2
- The revised picture of state machine Anderson protocol for 3 processes: Anderson_revised_3P.svg
- The revised picture of state machine Anderson protocol for 4 processes: Anderson_revised_4P.svg
- The simple picture state machine Anderson protocol for 3 processes: Anderson_simple_3P.svg
- The input file of Anderson for 3 processes: inputAnderson_3P
- The input file of Anderson for 4 processes: inputAnderson_4P_200
- The revised picture of state machine MCS: mcs_revised.svg
- The old picture state machine MCS: mcs_old.svg
- The simple picture state machine MCS: mcs_simple.svg
- The input file of MCS: inputMCS
- The revised picture of state machine MCS (7 processes): mcs_revised_7P.svg
- The input file of MCS (7 processes): inputMCS_7P
- The revised picture of state machine TVS: TVS_revised.svg
- The simple picture state machine TVS: TVS_simple.svg
- The input file of TVS: inputTVS
- The picture of state machine SKP: SKP.svg
- The input file for 200 states (3 nodes, each node enters CS only once ): inputSKP_v1
- The input file for 1000 states (3 nodes, each node enters CS 10 times): inputSKP_v2
- The input file for 175 states (3 nodes, network can contain up to 15 messages): inputSKP_v15mes
- The revised picture of state machine TAS: TAS_revised.svg
- The simple picture state machine TAS: TAS_simple.svg
- The input file of TAS: inputTAS
- The revised picture of state machine FQlock1: FQlock1_revised.svg
- The simple picture state machine FQlock0 or Fqlock1: FQlock_simple.svg
- The revised picture of state machine Qlock: Qlock_5p.svg
- The input file of FQlock0: inputFQlock0
- The input file of FQlock0_counterexample: inputFQlock0_CounterExample
- The input file of FQlock1: inputFQlock1
- The input file of Qlock: inputQlock
- The input file of Qlock(1k states): inputQlock_5p_1k
- The GENERATEPATH function: generateSeqSates.maude
- An example for using function to generate a long sequence of states of SKP: skp_generate.maude
Note: To make input file contains correctly sequence of states, please use command: '-no-wrap' in maude when starting maude.